New material
This site will be updated at intervals. Visit the front page to see what's new.

Most articles are available as Word files to download for personal use. Please contact me if you want to quote from or
re-publish them, as some are currently copyright restricted.

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judy [at]

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Judy Greenway


I am currently working on scanning my published articles and making them available as web pages and downloadable Word documents.

There are also links to articles elsewhere online.

Available so far:

NEW Available as download: The Gender Politics of Anarchist History: re/membering women, re/minding men, 2010. Paper given at the panel on Anarchism and Feminism, PSA conference, Edinburgh, April 2010. An expanded version will be made available on this site at a later date. [Discusses how gendered approaches to anarchist history can generate new ideas about anarchism past, present and future]

Speaking desire: anarchism and free love as utopian performance in fin de siècle Britain in Laurence Davis and Ruth Kinna, (eds) 2009, Anarchism and Utopianism. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [I hope to add this article to my website at a later date.]

Now available on this site: Desire, delight, regret: discovering Elizabeth Gibson, Qualitative Research, 2008: 8, pp 317-324. [Discusses the process of researching a previously unknown relative, poet and feminist Elizabeth Gibson.]

Enemies of the State? Homosexuality in the Nineteenth Century, 2005, Anarchist Studies 13:1, pp.90-95. [Review article discussing the links between sexual and political outlaws.]

Anarchists, Aliens and Detectives, History Today, December 2005.
[When an ex-anarchist sued an ex-policeman for libel, the trial became a melodrama linking anarchists, aliens and terrorists in the run-up to the Aliens Act of 1905.]

Shoulder to Shoulder: Elizabeth and Wilfrid Gibson, Dymock Poets and Friends, No.3, 2004, pp.23-33. [Discusses the relationship between the poet siblings, and traces the networks of friendship and influence supporting their artistic and political development.]

NEW: Now available on this site
No Place For Women? Anti-utopianism and the Utopian Politics of the 1890s, Geografisker Annaler 84 B, 2002, 3-4:31-39. [Discusses women’s fictional and non-fiction accounts of utopian experiments in 1890s England, and how these become stories which reinforce anti-utopian narratives.]

Tales of Endurance, 2002, TES Primary, February 2002, pp18-21 (links to online version). [Shackleton’s Antarctic adventures discussed for primary school teachers.]

Sex, Politics and Housework, 1993. In Chris Coates, Jonathan How, Lee Jones, William Morris, and Andy Wood, (eds), Diggers and Dreamers 94/95: The Guide to Communal Living. Communes Network: Winslow, Buckinghamshire, pp. 39-45. [Problems and tensions between men and women in utopian communities are nothing new, especially when it comes to sharing the housework.]

All word cloud images on these pages were made at the WORDLE website.